Thursday, December 4, 2008

Politicians and doling out money

I have a question to ask Mr. Modi and his ilk. When they go out doling compensations on public platforms is it their personal monies or that of us taxpayers and citizens of India? He / They have every right to go public if it is from their own pocket, which I am sure are deep enough. But if it is taxpayer money, it need not be declared with chest thumping.
Not that I am against compensation. A one crore compensation is pittance to what the martyrs have sacrificed. In fact some are being paid much less than a tenth of this amount. This sets in another debate. Do they deserve more than Abhinav Bindra? No, if you think they are going by doing their job. But in a country where its leaders, bureaucrats and judiciary has been surviving with below par effort and below par performance, clearly anybody giving up their life in line of duty deserves a lot more. Their families deserve a lot more. They deserve justice. Justice will come only if we can correct and reform the system, a system which often is influenced by quite a few nincompoop politicians.
On hearing that Mr. Karkare's wife refused Mr. Modi's grant, it is evident where Mr. Karkare used to draw his strength from. I salute the families of our martyrs who lay their lives to keep our nation alive. In them burns the hope which is often shattered by petty politicians.
Such public declarations especially where it is apparent that the motive is to win votes should be banned forthwith.

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